Be an Active Dad!

Recently, I was reading some very important research about the science of fatherhood, or “why Dad’s matter” to their children, especially to their girl children.300x_fathersclubbanner-1

Everyone will pretty much agree that a Dad has an important role in the life of their child, but I wanted to learn more about what research is saying about the role of fathers in the lives of their daughters–our students at The Rosary. As a Headmistress of a large all-girls school, it is, perhaps, natural to inquire: “In what ways do Dad’s influence their daughters?”

Research studies have found that a Dad’s role in their daughter’s life turns out to be highly influential in a number of ways.

  • If a child’s father is “affectionate, supportive, and involved, this can contribute greatly to their child’s cognitive, language, and social development, as well as academic achievement, a strong inner core resource, sense of well-being, good self-esteem, and authenticity.”
  • Dad’s tend to be highly influential in teaching their children the meaning of persistence and of perseverance.
  • Children who are loved by actively involved fathers, tend to have less behavioral problems, and that they are somewhat more protected against depression, delinquency, alcohol and drug abuse.

So, studies confirm what most of us suspect: Dad’s who are active and involved in their daughter’s lives are very important: You MATTER!

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