
3012, 2016

Joys of Christmas

Sometimes, it is easy to romanticize Christmas. After all, there are so many experiences during this time of the year that help us relish the joy of Christmas. There are the many fragrances of Christmas in the pine cones, the smell of the tree, and the wonderful fragrances of baked Christmas cookies. There is the joy of singing in Christmas concerts and in caroling. There is the joy of decorating our homes with red poinsettia plants and white twinkly lights. There is the joy of being together with our brothers and sisters who come home from college, and with friends [...]

911, 2016

“Yes, do be a saint…and, why not?”

What do you think it means to be a saint? Why is a person considered holy? Is it the miracles that they do, or the way that they live each day? What do you think about being a saint? Our own Saint, St. Madeleine Sophie Barat, had some thoughts about becoming a saint. She understood it as how one lives her life; and that is how a person interacts with people and situations each day. Not about miracles, she thought, being a saint is about the things we do each day. Once when she listening to a person who was [...]

1509, 2016

Be an Active Dad!

Recently, I was reading some very important research about the science of fatherhood, or "why Dad's matter" to their children, especially to their girl children. Everyone will pretty much agree that a Dad has an important role in the life of their child, but I wanted to learn more about what research is saying about the role of fathers in the lives of their daughters--our students at The Rosary. As a Headmistress of a large all-girls school, it is, perhaps, natural to inquire: "In what ways do Dad's influence their daughters?" Research studies have found that a Dad’s role in their daughter’s [...]

1608, 2016

Pearls of Great Price

During my recent retreat at one of the pristine beaches of the Florida panhandle, I was reflecting on my two-year milestone at Sacred Heart. As though reviewing a movie of my time here, I asked God to speak to my heart about this mission to which He has called me. As I began to listen, early memories of being at Sacred Heart as a student started returning to me with gentle persistence, as though syncing with the waves coming into shore. These precious memories are "pearls of great price." They reveal something about what God sees as important, meaningful and having [...]

1906, 2016

Grit, determination and getting back up

Thank you to members of our Board of Trustees, our parents and family members in attendance, to our Seniors, and to all of you, for a beautiful Prize Day! Several weeks ago, I was reading Education Week magazine which highlights important trends and science within the field of education. One article caught my attention where a top psychologist Angela Lee Duckworth was exploring such questions as, “Can we predict academic or professional success?” and “What qualities separate successful students from those who struggle?” ( To me, these are good questions to be curious about as we come to the end [...]

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