Taste & See the Goodness of God!
Grit, determination and getting back up
Thank you to members of our Board of Trustees, our parents and family members in attendance, to our Seniors, and to all of you, for a beautiful Prize Day! Several weeks ago, I was reading Education Week magazine which highlights important trends and science within the field of education. One article caught my attention where a top psychologist Angela Lee Duckworth was exploring such questions as, “Can we predict academic or professional success?” and “What qualities separate successful students from [...]
Our Circle of Donors
This evening, we gather together for a special Liturgy of Thanksgiving for our Circle of Donors to the 2016 Annual Giving Campaign. At Sacred Heart, we traditionally begin this evening in this chapel with Mass because each of us here has been given a special gift by God—an impulse to generosity which has poured out from God to you as an expression of love for the students in this school. Jesus loved little children and He called them to himself. He [...]
With These Rings…
My Sacred Heart ring has gone with me on the journey of my life. When I think of it’s journey on the occasion of this Ring Mass, I realize that the story of this ring tells my story. It has packed and it has moved in its special little case that I received when I bought it to every place that I have lived in my life. Whether on my finger, in my top drawer, or on a shelf in [...]