
Taste & See the Goodness of God!

2812, 2015

The Blessing of Family

By |December 28, 2015|

On Sunday, Catholics celebrated the "Feast of the Holy Family," appropriately positioned in the liturgical calendar on the Sunday following Christmas. Along with the many opportunities to share time with my family over the holidays, the feast day awakened special memories of growing up in my family of 10 children, 6 girls and 4 boys. In the Guste household, Monday evenings were scripted in a three-step ritual that included the praying of 5 decades of the Rosary, a family meal followed [...]

1712, 2015

Christmas wishes

By |December 17, 2015|

In a few short days, we celebrate Christ’s coming into the world. Our Advent journey comes to an end through the crescendo of our children’s voices raised in song at our ASH Christmas concerts. We hear their sounds of anticipation, excitement and of innocent joy. The Christmas angel announces the Christ child with expectancy and hope in their smiling faces. With the lyrics of one of my favorite nontraditional Christmas melodies, “Take a Walk through Bethlehem,” I pray your journey [...]

2809, 2015

My Journey on the Road Less Travelled

By |September 28, 2015|

Religious life is not for everyone. In fact, it is a very special way of life that has always been something for only a relatively select group of people. Never in history has religious life been a popular thing—something that attracted the crowd, or that crowd-pleasers have chosen to do. Usually, people in religious life do not care much for what the crowd, group, or gang is doing. They tend to follow their hearts on “the road less travelled” and [...]

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