
Taste & See the Goodness of God!

1909, 2015

Remembering our Roots in South Louisiana

By |September 19, 2015|

If you drive North on River Road toward Baton Rouge, about midway you will travel through a small town called Convent, LA. Located on a big bend in the Mississippi River, this town was named after a convent of the Religious of the Sacred Heart that once existed there. Mail carriers on boats traveling up and down the Mississippi would throw the mail off of the boat onto the levee and call out, "Convent!" The name stuck to this day. [...]

2808, 2015

Hurricane Katrina: Ten years later

By |August 28, 2015|

These are the reflections I shared during our Prayer Service at the Rosary on the eve of Hurricane Katrina. For those of us that endured Hurricane Katrina, we remember it very well. It was a storm that brought much suffering to many people. Many people lost their lives and families separated and scattered to far off places. Homes and treasured possessions were lost forever in the waters that poured over our broken down levees. On the eve of the anniversary [...]

2408, 2015

Back to School: Welcome to our ASH Parents!

By |August 24, 2015|

It is with a real sense of joy that I welcome you all back to school for the 2015-2016 school year! I hope that you have all found some time in the months of summer to enjoy some special time together with your daughters and to nurture your spirit through leisure and relaxation. While we have only been back for a total of 6 days, it seems to me that the girls have returned with a little extra kick in [...]

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