
Taste & See the Goodness of God!

3012, 2014

A Journey of the Heart: RSCJ Profile

By |December 30, 2014|

When I was 13 years old and in the 8th grade at the Rosary, a Catholic priest asked me to teach a class in religious education to a group of “20 or so” first-graders on Saturday mornings. There were no desks, no classroom, no instructional materials, and no supplies: Just me, and them — and a few church pews and a concrete yard. Total chaos in the beginning led me to an immediate self-revelation: I did not know what or [...]

2110, 2014

A Prayer to celebrate the Feast of Mater

By |October 21, 2014|

Yesterday, Sacred Heart communities celebrated the Feast of Mater Admirabilis, Mother Most Admirable. To her, we turn in prayer knowing that she is guiding us to peace, serenity, hope and joy through her Son, Jesus. Here is a prayer that strikes me as timely and timeless: Prayer to Mater - Marie-Therese de Lescure, rscj (Ninth Superior General Society of the Sacred Heart) Under the pressure of over activity which at times consumes us, disturbs us, or scatters our energies in doing what is [...]

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