
Taste & See the Goodness of God!

1106, 2018

Not by Accident

By |June 11, 2018|

These comments were shared on June 1st during the 133rd Graduation of the Class of 2017-2018 at the Academy of the Sacred Heart in New Orleans, LA. Good evening! Welcome to the Board of Trustees, parents, friends and family and, especially to the Senior class of 2018. This evening, we celebrate a culminating event in your graduation from The Academy of the Sacred Heart, but, more significantly, we celebrate the circuitous journey of each one of you to this solemn [...]

1006, 2018

The goal of true education…

By |June 10, 2018|

These closing comments were offered at the end of our traditional "Prize Day." Members of the Board of Trustees, Faculty and Staff, Students and Family members. Thank you for being here this morning, and for sharing in the formal ceremonial end of the 2017-2018 school year. The end of the year signals for all of us a time of celebration, especially as we come to the end of this Prize Day program where so many of you have been recognized [...]

1304, 2018

If it could talk….

By |April 13, 2018|

My Sacred Heart ring tells the story of my life. If it could talk, it could tell you of the places it has been all over the world, the hands it has touched, and of the homes it has entered. If it could talk, it could tell you of the times it has been held up high in excitement, of the times it has covered my face while thinking, or of many times that it has crossed with my other [...]

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