
Taste & See the Goodness of God!

1203, 2017

Lent and the Blooming Azaleas

By |March 12, 2017|

The courts of Rex and Comus have met. The Fathers' Club has sold its last hot dog from the ASH trailer. The flags of royalty have been lowered. Yes, the cacophony of marching, music, and Mardi Gras mayhem has ended for another year. With its ending, many of us have segued into the season of Lent signed with ashes across our foreheads. Beginning late this year, this solemn season coincided with the blossoming of beautiful pink azaleas stretching across the [...]

402, 2017

Our mission of Catholic education

By |February 4, 2017|

This week, we celebrate Catholic School Week throughout the country. As educators in a Catholic school, this time provides a perfect opportunity to examine our own commitment to the mission of Catholic education as uniquely expressed through the charism of St. Madeleine Sophie Barat, foundress of the Society of the Sacred Heart. St. Madeleine Sophie was blessed with a vision of education as a powerful, transformative and essential force for good in society. Touched by Jesus’ open heart, she saw [...]

3012, 2016

Joys of Christmas

By |December 30, 2016|

Sometimes, it is easy to romanticize Christmas. After all, there are so many experiences during this time of the year that help us relish the joy of Christmas. There are the many fragrances of Christmas in the pine cones, the smell of the tree, and the wonderful fragrances of baked Christmas cookies. There is the joy of singing in Christmas concerts and in caroling. There is the joy of decorating our homes with red poinsettia plants and white twinkly lights. [...]

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