The Spirit is building….
The excitement is building on the Mater Campus! Here is some exciting news about the development of our Master Plan at the Academy of the Sacred Heart. As many of you know, our school launched a forward-focused Strategic Plan in January 2017. As we implement our Plan, “Inspiring Faith Filled Women of Courage and Confidence,” we have been moving “full steam ahead” to transform learning spaces on the Rosary and Mater campuses.
The good news: We have broken ground on another capital development initiative! This project, the Mater Campus Complex, will consist of three sub projects: the construction of a new entrance “vestibule,” a new “plaza,” and the renovation of the Nims Fine Arts Center. These three projects will serve to offer a prominent entranceway on General Pershing Street, a larger, outdoor, educational and recreational space for daytime and evening events, and an enhanced multi-purpose performance center. All three projects will result in improved branding and identity for us as a Sacred Heart School.

The architects for the project are Gould Evans and Associates. The construction firm is Donohue-Favret. Our Team has been meeting for several months and our construction documents are completed. We broke ground on June 3rd—right after Graduation. We hope that construction will be complete by the time we return from Christmas holidays. We have already planned a wonderful Mass with the Archbishop presiding to formally “bless” our new spaces!
During the last few weeks, we have implemented a “Logistics and Operations Plan.” The entire construction site was cordoned off and self-contained. As school got started this year, our logistics and operations plans were deployed– and they worked very well! Summer Camp, in spite of demolition, was as fun as ever. Joyful campers!
This wonderful project has been funded through the generosity of many donors. We could not be more grateful to these wonderful people who see the future in these young girls and who are building a path for their continued growth and learning at the Academy of the Sacred Heart.
Stay tuned for new developments this year!